Mac os docker image location
Mac os docker image location

Now to get to the root directory /var/lib/docker we must access the docker virtual machine being used on our mac. When you navigate to ~/Library/Containers you will see the folder name Docker instead. This directory is easy to get to from the terminal, but if you try to get there via the finder you might notice that does not appear visually under that directory name.

mac os docker image location

In other words, Docker Container is the run time instance of images. Docker Image is a set of files which has no state, whereas Docker Container is the instantiation of Docker Image. You see that command will tell you that the root directory is located at /var/lib/docker, which on a mac is a non-existent directory. Docker is a platform that runs each and every application segregated and securely by the use of kernel containerization feature. Usually on most systems, you can see where the images and containers are located by running the command docker info but no, that does not work on a mac. On a mac our docker files are located inside of a virtual machine which is located in our user library directory: ~/Library/Containers// Finding the location of docker images is a chore on a mac. Here is a little background information on the docker directory Try option 1 first, if it does not work try option 2 There are two primary ways to get to this directory. You see that command will tell you that the root directory is located at /var/lib/docker, which on a mac is a non-existent directory. This is different than the docker containers you create or download. If you’ve created others, they’d be here as well.

mac os docker image location

Usually on most systems, you can see where the images and containers are located by running the command docker info but no, that does not work on a mac. You should see a default folder here that is your base VM.

mac os docker image location

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes Docker Toolbox provides a way to use Docker on older Macs that do not meet minimal system requirements for Docker for Mac. We recommend updating to the newer applications, if possible.

#Mac os docker image location for mac#

Finding the location of docker images is a chore on a mac. Docker Toolbox is for older Mac and Windows systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows.

Mac os docker image location